Sustenance - Ultra-Soothe EQ™
Supports digestion by breaking down proteins and encouraging production of digestive enzymes.
Demulcent to coat, soothe and restore integrity in the gut lining by forming a protective layer.
Ultra-Soothe EQ™ is antispasmodic to help soothe and calm the stomach & intestinal lining, supports healthy cellular function and promotes a normal inflammatory response.
Also helps to remove impurities and heavy metals from the gut.
For use in Horses only, Contains all Non-GMO materials.
1lb bucket contains 162 scoops
2lb bucket contains 324 scoops, see more info for directions.
All ingredients are NON-GMO
Due to Vermont Satute Title 6, Chapter 26 - This product is no longer available to ship to Vermont
Ultra-Soothe EQ™ contains a proprietary blend of Organic Papaya Leaf, Organic Licorice Root, Organic Chamomile, Wild harvested Calcium Bentonite, Organic Nettle Leaf, Organic Garlic, Organic Mallow root and Organic Calendula
Dosage for Daily Use
Directions: Use twice daily for 3 weeks, stop for 1 week then use 1/2 dosage twice a day
up to 500lb......1 scoop
501-900lb........1.5 scoops
901-1400lb......2 scoops
1400 and up....3 scoops
Not for use in pregnant animals. If condition worsens, stop administration of product and consult a veterinarian.